Wednesday 5 May 2010

How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience?

How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience?

When we uploaded out film onto YouTube, we ask people to:

1) Comment on quality of editing and filming?

2) The aim is to introduce the main character fully, how well do you feel that this aim has been achieved? What is your understanding of the character and his lifestyle?

3) Based on the footage you've seen how successfully does the clip portray a British film as opposed to an American film?

From the feedback we got, the majority of people that saw and commented on our film answered these questions.

Our target audience is of a younger generation (18-35). People of this age tend to use the social networking website 'Facebook' so we all went onto this website and posted a link to all of our friends (who the majority are of this age group) and asked them to view it, comment on it and send it onto anyone else they think are interested in these types of films.

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